Mango Salsa


It’s that time of year. Lots of harvest coming in from those summer gardens. What better way to use up some of that produce then on this super colorful but even more delicious mango salsa.
We recently went on a summer vacation with family. We all rented a large vacation home and split meals between us all. My uncle brought in loads of his fresh vegetables and fruits from his huge garden. We decided with his variety he had to make some mango salsa. And let me tell you… Yum! The combination of sweet, savory and a little spicy hit all the notes for a perfect pallet pleaser. The best part is, the longer it sits the better it gets. It makes loads and is a perfect crowd pleaser too. Give it a try at your next get together.
Mango salsa:

1 mango

2 small or 1 medium tomatoes

1 red onion

1 jalapeño

1 cup frozen corn, thawed or better yet fresh off the cob

1 small Granny Smith Apple

Fresh cilantro, to taste
Chop everything into a small dice. Stir and let it chill for at least one hour.
This is amazing on grilled chicken or salmon, and of course with tortilla chips. Try it out and let me know what you think. Play around with it and add whatever add ins you’d like. Pineapple would be an awesome addition.

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