Bio-Hacks on a Budget

You may have heard this buzzword a lot lately, but for good reason! Biohacking has been called “do-it-yourself biology”. For many “biohackers,” this consists of making small, gradual diet or lifestyle changes to make small improvements in your health. For me, this really started to make sense when I had lots of autoimmune diseases pop up. Being the self described “health nerd” that I am, I knew I wanted to try and “hack” my body to get it back on track and teach it not to attack itself (like it likes to do with autoimmune). Our bodies are so smart and will compensate in areas to sustain us as best it can. These bio hacks have been so useful in reducing inflammation, clearing stagnant cells, detoxing, skin health and beyond! They are amazing tools to have on hand and they DO NOT have to break the bank to achieve! 

This is one of my absolute favorite ways to biohack! Red light has been such a help to me with so many things. I use it daily for my skin and collagen production. It’s also amazing for regulating your circadian rhythm. I always grab it when I have a headache, for inflammation reduction, and to help relax. It’s warming and so cozy! I apply it over any area that could use some help with inflammation recovery or aches and pains. I use it on my face daily (with eye protection or closed eyes) for 10 minutes. I also apply it daily over my thyroid for 5-10 minutes. It doesn’t take long to get the benefits! Here are some other benefits just to name a few!

  • Reduces Muscle Pain and Inflammation.
  • Rejuvenates Skin.
  • Improves Acne.
  • May Reduce Body Fat In Some Areas.
  • Improves Symptoms of hair loss
  • Assists in Wound Healing.
  • May Treat Traumatic Brain Injury and Other Brain Disorders.

There are so many options for red light that it can be overwhelming. I have found this one is great and does an amazing job, especially for the price!

It may sound like weird to purposely shake your whole body, but vibration for the whole body offers lots of benefits! The main one being whole body lymphatic drainage. Our lifestyle doesn’t allow for whole body detox and our “garbage system” can get backed up and in need of cleaning out. That’s where vibration plates come in! The vibrations help move things along in the body to flush out toxins and stagnant inflammation to clean up our lymphatic system. Getting things moving every day is really beneficial for whole body health! I like to use mine 15-30 minutes a day. I love “habit-stacking” and using my red light while I’m on the vibe plate. I get a double whammy of benefits and feel great when I’m done!

It offers SO many benefits and can truly be a great healing tool for many. Take a look at some ….

  • Better muscle recovery.
  • Increased muscle strength.
  • Reduced bone loss.
  • Better balance.
  • Greater flexibility.
  • Faster weight loss.
  • Boosted immunity.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Lymphatic drainage.

There are lots of pricey options on the market, but I have found one that really does an amazing job and doesn’t cost thousands. You can find the one I use here

This biohack took me a little bit to jump on. Not gonna lie, the idea of laying on pokey spikes didn’t sound all that appealing, but after looking into these mats further I was definitely intrigued…until I saw the price tag for the very popular one on the market. So that led to more digging and I found this awesome one! These little mats pack a punch full of benefits! I am a migraine sufferer (unfortunately) but this have been amazing for headaches. I also love it to use just to relax and unwind. After laying on it for a few minutes tension releases and warmth and relaxation comes. It gives a similar feeling to a post massage! Twenty minutes on this mat and you feel relaxed and calm! I love using mine at the end of the day or if I am experiencing stress throughout the day. Here are some benefits!

  • Eases muscle tension and promotes relaxation.
  • Relieves chronic neck, back, and foot pain (use the neck pillow for your feet too!).
  • Reduces menstrual pain.
  • Alleviates chronic headaches.
  • Helps depression, anxiety, and stress.
  • Boosts your energy levels.

I love this biohack so much! The thing about castor oil packs is that even after only one you can feel the effects of them and notice that they are working! I have been doing these for well over a year. There was a learning curve that came with it but since I was your guinea pig, I can help you eliminate the unnecessary and use a simple, easy method that works! Lots of articles will tell you all the things you need and I can tell you it’s not all necessary. The only thing you need for castor oil packs is castor oil (preferably in a dark glass jar) and a wool or linen wrap. That’s it! No plastic wrap (we are trying to detox and plastic = toxins) and no need to lay down 47 towels for the mess 😉 . If you use this method its mess free and SO relaxing and detoxing! I chose this brand because it is known for its toxin free wrap and high quality castor oil.

The wrap has no toxic plastics and fits comfortably around any waist and most importantly it’s mess free! You simply apply 1-2 tablespoons of oil to the wrap and wrap it over your major detox organ, your liver (or anywhere you’d like to detox and repair- think thyroid too) and relax! You can sleep with it on or wear it for an hour and get great effects. The biggest thing I feel is less bloating, easy digestion and elimination (if you know what I mean) and detox. My skin shows when my liver is detoxed…. #glowy ! I also love it because I have some autoimmune thyroid stuff going on and it’s amazing for regulating your thyroid! Here’s a list of some benefits of castor oil packs.

  • Relaxing the digestive system, reducing bloat and improving constipation.
  • Reducing gallbladder inflammation/stones.
  • Improving lymphatic drainage.
  • Reducing gut inflammation.
  • Reducing headaches and migraines.
  • Detoxifying the liver.
  • Shrinking thyroid cysts and nodules.

This biohack is so simple but really packs a lot of benefits! The best news…. you can do it absolutely free if you choose!! My doctor was actually the one who told me about this and recommended it for my health recovery. Simply put, grounding is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. Sounds kind of “woo-woo” but there are many studies showing the real effects grounding has on the body. Seriously, google images of the effects of grounding on the human body, it’s amazing!

This is as simply as going outside on concrete barefoot for at least 10 minutes. That’s it! It really is that simple, but if you’re like me, weather or busy life stuff doesn’t always make that possible. That’s where the grounding mats come in. I was looking for a way that I could ground a little everyday without even really having to think about it. I place these at the foot of our bed and plug them into an outlet and sleep with my feet on them. It’s so simple and I get the grounding effects while I’m sleeping and not even thinking about it! I used these mats to ground for a long time, but I also use grounding sheets now and put the mats under our computer or any electronics when we are using it. ( It helps counter act the negative effects of EMFs.) You absolutely don’t have to do this but we decided to use these because we loved how the mats worked for us. This is something so simple to do and has loads of benefits!

  • Grounding appears to improve sleep.
  • Normalize the day–night cortisol rhythm.
  • Reduce pain.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Shift the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic toward parasympathetic activation.
  • Increase heart rate variability.
  • Speed wound healing.
  • Reduce blood viscosity.

One of my favorite things to do is find ways to bio-hack my health. Of course, I am no doctor and you have to do what’s best for you. These things have helped me immensely and have been simple, effective changes to improve my overall health. Every body is different and has different results, so I am making no claims here. But I wanted to share what I have found to be helpful and not break the bank! I’ve been on a mission for a long time, but ever since my diagnosis with an autoimmune disease I have upped my game in biohacking. I feel everyone should get the opportunity to these things without having to spend a fortune. Maybe even add them to your Christmas list! If you have a budget friendly biohack share in the comments! I love learning from you!

I hope you find these so helpful for your health and feel empowered to do your own research and find cost effective solutions to hack your health!!!



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